Setup your home office with a desk and a comfortable chair. Choose an area that is distraction-free and away from common areas like the living room and kitchen.
Stretch periodically - keep a yoga mat nearby if need be.
Massage gun - get those static muscles moving and circulate blood flow.
Take several breaks - get up from your chair!
Drink plenty of water.
Look at something else other than your phone or computer screen.
Grab lunch with a friend or industry partner.
Go for a morning walk.
If you have a pet, pet them every once in a while. This will reduce stress.
Avoid looking at your phone when you first wake up. You won't get anything done as you walk over to the toilet - you'll just stress about everything you'll have to take care of on your to do list, instead of enjoying your morning routine. Emails can wait until your official shift start time.
Get a good night's sleep by avoiding distractions. Put your phone far away from your bed, so you're not tempted to look at it before going to sleep.
Read before bed (or count sheep). But don't get on Instagram, Social Media or the never-ending YouTube wormhole of cute kittens or pimple popping videos.
Drink water as soon as you wake up.
Have a healthy breakfast. Le'go that eggo.
Give yourself an hour for lunch, away from your desk space.
Switch it up. If you have a laptop, take your meeting in another room.
Take a coffee break.
Don't stay in your PJs, get into a fresh outfit for the day ahead.
Create a routine and set strict office hours. That email that comes in at 6:45PM can wait until 9AM tomorrow.
If it's not distracting, play focus-related music in the background.
Participate in meetings with co-workers, it'll remind you that you are still part of a team and that you're not alone.
Set your phone on "Do Not Disturb" Mode to avoid distracting text, notifications, and irrelevant calls.
For more remote job tips and tricks, visit our other blog posts by visiting www.ANGProductions.com
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